CapeTalk strives to make a difference in the lives of its listeners by demonstrating how their actions and behavior can bring about change in their own community and in turn the Mother City, Cape Town. On the one hand they hold the authorities to account, and on the other they do their bit when the powers that be can’t do it on their own. The audience is responsive, willing and able to assist when called upon. The station and its listeners partner in solving the issues that affect the city.
Now you can take CapeTalk with you on your phone! Listen live or catch up what you missed through the integrated podcasts.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">CapeTalk力求通过展示他们的行为和行为可以在自己的社区,进而在母亲城开普敦带来的变化,使在它的听众的生活。一方面,他们持有当局帐户,另一方面,也尽自己的一点时,是这样的权力,不能对自己这样做。全场响应,愿意并能够协助时,呼吁。该站和解决影响城市问题的听众伙伴。
现在,你可以把CapeTalk与您的手机上!收听实况或赶上你通过集成的播客错过了什么。</div> <div class="show-more-end">